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The AI Engineer Behind Vasilkoff: Anastasia Sarlidou

The AI Engineer Behind Vasilkoff: Anastasia Sarlidou

Date: 2024-03-20T00:00:00Z | Time to read: 1 min

Anastasia Sarlidou's story is one of genuine passion for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). A dedicated programmer and a Bachelor of "Human Centered AI Engineering" from the Denmark University of Technology, Sarlidou is a driving force behind some of the most exciting AI initiatives at Vasilkoff Ltd.

You can find Sarlidou's touch in projects such as and, where she's the voice behind the AI chatbot and support form. Her ability to integrate AI and ML into various software applications adds a unique value to the projects she's involved in.

The VoteMe App is one such project. As a free, cross-platform Xamarin app, VoteMe allows users to upload their photos and participate in a fun and entertaining voting game. Sarlidou's contribution to this project showcases her adeptness at applying AI and ML algorithms to create engaging and dynamic experiences for users.

Another impressive project in Sarlidou's portfolio is smrtAI. Offering seamless, AI-powered customer support for websites, smrtAI is a testament to Sarlidou's mastery of integrating AI with user experience design. The easy-to-install live chat widget has been lauded for its capacity to provide real-time customer assistance with a personalized touch.

At the core of Sarlidou's work is a keen understanding of the intersection between technology and humanity. She uses her knowledge in AI engineering to develop solutions that not only solve complex technical challenges but also deliver engaging and intuitive experiences for users.

Sarlidou's work with Vasilkoff Ltd has truly highlighted the potential of AI and ML, and her ongoing contributions continue to shape the future of how we interact with technology. By exploring the untapped possibilities of AI, Sarlidou is forging a path for Vasilkoff Ltd and the tech industry as a whole.

With her profound expertise and unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI, Anastasia Sarlidou is a beacon of innovation, illuminating the future of technology at Vasilkoff Ltd.