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Maxim Vasilkov: The Driving Force Behind Vasilkoff Ltd

Maxim Vasilkov: The Driving Force Behind Vasilkoff Ltd

Date: 2024-03-20T00:00:00Z | Time to read: 1 min

IT expert with 15+ years, leading and coding in tech with a flair for open-source. Skilled in blockchain, Solidity contracts, plus mobile and web app development.

In Darwin since 2024, I'm now immersed in AI, celebrated for "AI Chat Bridge," which placed 2nd at Hackadtech23. Eager to push AI boundaries and welcome collaborative ventures.

Maksym Vasylkov (Maxim Vasilkov), alongside his talented team at Vasilkoff, consistently pushes the boundaries of technology, marrying deep technical expertise with a humble approach to innovation. With a keen focus on blockchain and artificial intelligence, Vasilkov has emerged as a quiet force in the tech industry, contributing significantly to its advancement.

Leading by Example

Delving into specialized domains, Vasilkov has established himself as an authority in blockchain technology. His expertise shines particularly in the realm of developing EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) smart contracts using Solidity, a programming language tailored for creating secure and efficient blockchain applications. Projects like NFTTRX, SMRT16, SMRTSGN, AI-Bridge,, and smrtAI stand as a testament to his proficiency and innovation, quietly revolutionizing the way we think about digital ownership, transaction security, and AI integration.

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Sharing Knowledge and Inspiring Others

Maxim's dedication to the tech community extends beyond project work; his contributions to literature, such as the programming book "Objective-C Memory Management Essentials", reflect a commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the tech sphere.

Recognition Through Collaboration and Competition

While modesty remains a core value, it's important to acknowledge the recognition the Vasilkoff team has earned through participation in prestigious technology hackathons. Our quiet dedication to innovation was highlighted when we secured 2nd place at the Fintech Hackathon 3.0 (read more) with a blockchain project, demonstrating our capability to develop cutting-edge financial technology solutions. Further participation in tech competitions, such as the BOC Hackathon 4.0 (learn about our participation) with an AI project, underscores our commitment to advancing technology across sectors.

AI-Bridge: Bridging Communication Gaps

Our recent achievement during the HackAdTech‘23 Hackathon in Limassol, Cyprus, where we developed AI-Bridge and earned 2nd prize (discover more), exemplifies our innovative approach to solving real-world challenges. AI-Bridge stands as a game changer in digital communication, seamlessly integrating AI Language Models or custom GPTs with popular social media chats like Facebook Messenger and Instagram DMs. This breakthrough tool serves as a crucial link, enhancing the way businesses interact with their clients through intelligent, efficient communication platforms.

Loving Open-Source

A fervent advocate for open-source technology, Maxim Vasilkov's contributions have significantly impacted the open-source community. His work emphasizes innovation, collaboration, and accessibility, making him a respected figure in the IT realm. The VPN project, EasyVPN-Free, available at, stands as a testament to his dedication, garnering 288 stars and 152 forks under the GPL-3.0 license. This project highlights his expertise in providing secure, accessible technology solutions.

Further demonstrating his commitment, the website itself is an open-source initiative (, reflecting the company's dedication to transparency and community engagement in web development.

Leveraging Technology for Social Good

Maxim extends his influence beyond technology to address social causes. The React component, react-support-ukraine-banner (, exemplifies how technology can support humanitarian efforts. This component aids in raising awareness and support for Ukraine, showcasing Maxim's profound commitment to using tech for global solidarity.

The react-smartaichats-livechat package ( further exemplifies Maxim's vision for improving digital interactions and customer support, making advanced AI solutions more accessible and enhancing user engagement across web platforms.

Entrepreneurial Spirit and Vision

Maxim's entrepreneurial journey, highlighted by his regtech startup, showcases his ability to innovate solutions that address market needs. His approach has earned him respect within both the technology and business communities, underscoring his role as a visionary in tech entrepreneurship.

Engage with Maxim Vasilkov

Connect with Maxim Vasilkov through his social media channels to explore his programming prowess, blockchain expertise, open-source contributions, and entrepreneurial ventures. Engaging with Maxim promises insights into the forefront of technology and innovation.